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How Hormonal Fluctuations Can Cause Vaginal Dryness

How Hormonal Fluctuations Can Cause Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a seldom-discussed topic, but the reality is that it’s a very common occurrence. Experts estimate that about half of postmenopausal women experience vaginal dryness, but less than 10% seek treatment for it.

Menopause isn’t the only cause of dryness, which means even more women are at risk of dealing with this less-than-ideal symptom. Hormone fluctuations are often the culprit behind vaginal dryness, but, thankfully, many treatment options are available at Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical Group in Long Beach, California.

Dr. Essam Taymour and our team treat vaginal dryness in women during all phases of life. Below, Dr. Taymour sheds light on the connection between hormones and dryness as well as what you can do to find relief.

Hormonal fluctuations lead to vaginal changes

Fluctuating hormones 一 particularly decreased estrogen 一 contribute to vaginal dryness. Estrogen is a steroid hormone, and it’s responsible for maintaining the thickness of the vaginal wall and promoting vaginal lubrication. 

Decreased estrogen can lead to thinner vaginal walls. Without adequately thick vaginal walls, there are fewer cells to secrete moisture, resulting in reduced lubrication and increased dryness. 

The following conditions or events can lead to fluctuating estrogen levels:

It’s important to note that some of these conditions are temporary. For example, postpartum vaginal dryness 一 which affects about 43% of women after delivery 一 can dissipate as your hormones return to normal in the weeks and months after childbirth.

In the meantime, you can seek relief with lubricants, vaginal moisturizer, increasing foreplay or changing position during intercourse, and avoiding douches. You can also ask our team about prescription estrogen creams.

Treating vaginal dryness caused by hormonal fluctuations 

Getting treatment for a hormonal imbalance addresses the root cause of the issue. Depending on the cause of your hormonal imbalance, our team may recommend any of these treatments for vaginal dryness:

If you notice the symptoms of vaginal dryness 一 pain during intercourse, itching and irritation, and increased vaginal infections 一 don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether childbirth, breastfeeding, or perimenopause is contributing to your vaginal dryness, we’re here to help restore your comfort. 

To schedule an appointment and explore your treatment options, call us at 562-247-3038. Alternatively, you can request an appointment online.

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